The Girl Who Didn’t Brush her Teeth – Short Moral Story or Paragraph for Kids

Girl Who didn’t Brush Teeth for 10 years

Choti loved sweets. So Choti was not ‘Choti! Ate all. Her friends teased her by calling her Choti Moti. Her teeth were black because she would never brush them. Her mother would shout at her every night, telling her to finish her vegetables and brush her teeth. But she simply wouldn’t change! Choti grew fatter and fatter. It was her ninth birthday.

She was having a party in the evening and there was going to be lots of delicious stuff to eat: candies and a huge chocolate cake. Yummmm… She got ready for school with a huge smile on her face. Her dad had bought her a brand new red bicycle as a birthday present and she was riding it to school, huffing and puffing. Just then, she heard a tiny voice say, “Choti, Choti, slow down! You’re hurting me!” O my goodness! The voice was coming from the seat of her bicycle. To her amazement, Choti saw a tiny man jumping on her palm. He said, “Oh! How fat have you become!” Anyway, here is your birthday gift.” In his palm were four of the most beautiful diamonds she had ever seen. “Are they for me?” she asked in amazement. “Yes,” said the tiny man. “The tooth fairy has sent these for you. < She thinks that you are going to lose many of your teeth as you do not brush regularly. So, she has sent these daimonds in retum for your teeth. Take them choti." "No give them back to tooth fairy. I do not want to lose my teeth," Choti screamed at him. "Wake up beta or you'll be late for school. Wake up." Choti opened hereyes slowly. She found her moiher kissing her and saying, "Happy Birthday, darling." Thank God, it was just a dream!" Choti jumped out of bed and told her mother about the dream. She promised to limit eating chocolates and brush regularly.

Search related to girl who didn’t brush teeth for 10 years

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