Essay on Travel A Source Of Knowledge and Pleasure

Essay on Travel – Primitive man was a named. He went from place to place depending on Nature, the bountiful mother, to feed and clothe him. Travelling in its very basic sense of going from one place to another was thus an aspect of man’s very livelihood. As man came to lead a settled life, the travelling urge did not quite leave him. Travel came to assume a pleasurable connotation, a means to satisfy, man’s eternal curiosity, the desire to see “cities of men, manners, climates”, and “to strive, to seek and find”, that “untraveled world”.

The Wanderlust in Man

Wonderlust has stayed with man. The records of the earliest civilizations indicate travel to have been a part of life. The Indus valley civilization had trade relations’ with Sumerians – obviously travelling was necessary for trade. Means ‘and modes of travel were developed and. has been man’s concern to develop more efficient means of transport since early foreign countexparts due to vigour and now we have scenes of violence as effective as in foreign films. Sholay was the magnum opus for Indian films in this direction and had audiences seeing the movie again and again.

Travel A Source Of Knowledge And Pleasure Article

Parallel to the increasing .depiction of violence in films, the violence in the society of today has also grown. Law and order have never before seemed in such a precarious position as they are at present. The relationship of violence in real life to the violence on the celluloid screen is undeniable. However, it is debatable whether it is cinema which is responsible for the growth of real life violence or it is merely a truthful portrayal of the situation. There are supporters of either point of view.

Why Some People Are Born To Travel

People who absolve cinema of the responsibility of contributing to the violence in real life point out those films are merely a part of the social climate. If films depict violence it is merely because they are reflecting the reality. Which society, after all, is free of dacoits, robbers, rapists and murderers? Films merely show these unpalatable aspects of real life in a more concentrated form and, inevitably, in a larger than life manner. Furthermore, the violence in films has an artistic merit and value and is thus separated from life. Viewers seldom confuse film violence with real life, according to the defenders of film violence who thus hold that cinema cannot be responsible for violence in society.

Paragraph On Travel A Source Of Knowledge And Pleasure

The arguments offered in favour of the view that the effect of cinematic violence on viewers is negligible are not brone out by the finding of psychologists. It is true that it is difficult to form an exact estimate of the effect of mass media on human behaviour. However, psychologists and sociologists have made studies which confirm the detrimental effect of screen violence on children’s sensitive minds. Children to a large extent, adopt behaviour patterns they observe on the screen. It has also been noted that the children who are exposed to large doses of screen violence (now increasingly on T.V. too) exhibit more aggressive traits than those. Whose exposure to these is limited? Not only children, but even adults are influenced by over-exposure to violence in films.

Pleasure Of Travelling Alone Essay

There are several reasons behind the detrimental impact of screen violence. Violence in real life is dreaded and condemned by every same person. It spells disaster and is a traumatic experience.
Thus, if represented in films, it should prove a shocking experience, arouse horror and disgust and be of cathartic value. Curiously the urban people and would greatly help the students is knowing their country and its people better. Students, who are the leaders of tomorrow, will thus get first-hand knowledge of rural India.

The Pleasure, Loneliness Or Excitement Of Travelling Alone

They will be acquainted with the problems, the joys and the sorrows of the rural folk. Besides, social service in the villages will also bring them closer to the countryside which could be a happy, although brief, change from the din and turmoil of urban life. Social service in the villages would instill among the students a sense of dignity of labour. This would also discourage them from shying away from manual labour which is usually the case with the educated young generation. The students will be able to inspire and guide the villagers as well as learn the rural way of life. This would lead to the forging of better relationship and understanding between rural and urban India.

First Time Traveling Alone Essay

Students can be a great asset in spreading knowledge and education in the villages, thus helping in the promotion of literacy. Adult education too can get an impetus through the initiative of students. Students can help in the campaign against social evils, superstitions and blind faith, and can urge the villagers to follow simple rules of health and hygiene. They can bring home to the rural masses the benefits of family planning and the importance of education. Students can take active interest by participating in agricultural processes and enlightening the villagers about new agricultural advancement and it’s new, beneficial and more fruitful methods. In the process, the students themselves will be learning a great deal.

Travelling Gives Pleasure

The involvement of students in social processes will act as a healthy outlet for their energy. At the same time it will keep them away from destructive political involvement and rowdyism. In certain countries it is mandatory for students to spend a specified period working among the underprivileged masses. It would not be amiss if India too adopted this idea, and devised a suitable infrastructure for it. The medical students do spend a short while in villages, but efforts should be made to utilise their services by providing them with their requirements. Similarly, engineering and technical school students could serve the villagers by helping to devise cheap but sturdy constructions and other amenities. Other students could easily land a hand in improving the general educational level and awareness of the rural masses.

Pleasure Of Travelling Alone Essay

The idea of social services by students in the villages is gaining momentum and the government has now made it a part of their curriculum. The National Service Scheme (NSS) today is organized on an all-India basis. Young men are working in villages and rendering a helping hand to village development programmes. 1-lowever, social service in the villages by the students’ needs greater encouragement to make it more widespread. Thus, it needs to be made a part of our education system. This would not only vitalize the youth and students towards a constructive endeavour, but will also bring about the emergence of a progressive, developed rural India-indeed a social renaissance.

Essay On My Pleasure Trip

Students have a responsibility to themselves in desiring better profession knowledge, to their families which support them, and to the society which provides them with the opportunities to develop themselves. Disillusionment with the present social conditions, now being expressed in violent rowdyism and anti-social discrupitorn, could easily be channellised to constructive work in he form of effective social service. The role of students is, consequently, immense in national development. To define them merely as, future leaders is to ignore their present role.

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